Friday Inspiration: Kindness Always Wins

Here’s a little Friday inspiration to get you through the weekend.  After being bullied, this student responds with kindness…and it changes his life and inspires many others.  If you are viewing this via e-mail and can’t see the video below, check it out here.

Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

Friday Inspiration: Appreciate Your Blessings Before They’re Gone

Happy Friday!  This important message by WCW Champion Marc Mero is a great reminder to stop and appreciate all the people and things we often take for granted in life, because none of it is guaranteed to be here tomorrow.  So, hug your loved ones today, show some appreciation for all those who believe in you, and honor your precious life so you will never have any regrets.

If you are viewing this via e-mail and can’t see the video below, check it out here.

For more information about Marc Mero, click here.

Inspiration Friday: 39 Secrets to Happiness and Peace

We’ve all heard that happiness is a choice, and that is true.  It is not what happens to us, but our attitude and the way we react to situations that will determine our happiness.  Here are a few “secrets” I have discovered so far in my 39 years that have led me to a life filled with happiness and inner peace.

attitude of gratitude

1.  The attitude of gratitude will ALWAYS bring you happiness.  Find something to be thankful for.  We are all constantly surrounded by so many gifts and blessings.

2.  View every encounter and experience as a gift.  Even the seemingly bad situations are a gift in the end.  Try to recognize and appreciate these gifts every day.

3.  Be kind to everyone, but spend the majority of your time with like-minded, positive people who are also committed to improving their personal and spiritual growth and are willing to support you on your journey.

4.  Fill your mind with only positive, inspirational and uplifting ideas and thoughts.  Turn off the news and leave the disturbing books at the library.  “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” ~ Philippians 4:8 (my favorite bible verse)

5.  Eat real food!! (It’s amazing how much energy you will have!)

6.  Do not multitask.  Do one thing at a time, give it your all, and be fully present in everything you do.  Heaven on Earth happens in the moments when you are fully present.

7.  Do not judge others.  You have no idea what anyone else is going through.  Everyone has reasons for their beliefs and actions.  We are all unique and just want to be allowed to be ourselves and be accepted for who we really are.  Only then can our true gifts shine through.  “If God is infinite, then nobody is wrong.” ~ Panache Desai

8.  Think before you speak.  Is it true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, or kind?  If not, keep it to yourself.

9.  Forgive.  Holding onto anger never hurts the other person.  It only hurts yourself.  Let it go and let God take it from there.

10.  Do not gossip or spend your time consumed with other people’s lives.  Put your time and energy into improving your own.

11.  Practice acceptance.  Everything happens for a reason, and always for the overall good.  Even the most tragic situations result in more good than bad over time.  Unfortunately, sometimes it may take years to see the good, but just trust that it is for a reason.  God doesn’t make mistakes.

12.  Go for a walk every day.  Outside!

13.  When you’re feeling stressed, go outside.  Take a deep breath, look up at the sky, admire it’s beauty, and say “Thank You!”  An instant moment of peace!!

14.  Spend some time alone every day.  God speaks to you in the silence.  “The morning breeze has secrets to tell you, do not go back to sleep”~ Rumi

15.  Do less.  Downtime is NEVER wasted time. (It took me a very long time to learn this!)

16.  Do something creative every day.  Write, draw, cook, paint, anything.  Just create!

17.  The answers are all within you.  Stop looking outside of yourself for them.

18.  Focus on cooperation rather than competition.  There is an infinite supply of love and abundance in the world.  Collaborate with those who have common goals rather than competing with them.  Working together will benefit everyone!

19.  Stop trying to mask your true self.  Learn to fully love and accept yourself as you are.  If you NEED makeup to feel good about yourself, or you NEED substances (like drugs, alcohol, coffee, or even sugar…yes, sugar is a drug) to keep you going or wake you up each day, those things need to be eliminated from your life.  Your passion for life should get you out of bed each morning, not coffee!

20.  Embrace who you are and stop worrying about what others think.  Once you do this, others who are like-minded will enter your life.  You are never alone. (Although you may feel like you are for a while…just hang in there.)

21.  Go on dates with those closest to you (your spouse, each of your children individually, your mom, etc.)  Let them know they are special and worthy of your time and undivided attention.

22.  Remember, you do not set the master plan for your life.  Embrace distractions and view them as gifts.  Everything is happening in its own perfect time, so stop trying to rush everything.  Stop trying so hard and just let go and allow God to work through you.

23.  Don’t do anything out of guilt or obligation.  Only do things out of love.

24.  Have no expectations.  You will never be disappointed, and you will begin to view everything in your life as a gift and blessing.  Every day is full of wonderful surprises!

25.  The best things in life are free!!

26.  Treat others the way you want to be treated.  We are all connected.  If you love yourself, that love will pour out onto others.  If you hurt yourself, you hurt others.  The opposite is true as well.

27.  Every action is a choice toward love or away from it.  Always choose the path toward love.

28.  Guard your time.  Only spend it on things that are truly important to you.  Don’t ever feel guilty for saying no.  Doing something out of guilt or obligation is not an act of love.

29.  Dedicate one day a week to rest and to be fully present with those you love.  Turn off the technology on this day and enjoy your time together creating, exploring God’s wonderful creations, and just enjoying life and making memories together. (For me, that day is Saturday and is ALWAYS my favorite day of the week and always filled with love, blessings, and gratitude!)

30.  Let go of your attachment to your possessions.  Nothing (and no one) really belongs to you.  Rather, view everything you have as a temporary gift from God that can be taken away at any moment.  Stop to appreciate those gifts often.

31.  Don’t sweat the small stuff.  In the end, nothing really matters except your relationships…with yourself, with God, and with others.  Spend time on what really matters.

32.  Listen to music!  Dance!  Sing!

33.  Keep a journal.  Write in it as often as  you can.  You will be amazed at the wisdom inside you.

34.  Never stop learning.  Read, read, read!  And take advice from those you admire.

35.  Clear out the clutter in all areas of your life.  Clutter drains energy.

36.  Get adequate sleep so you wake up feeling fully rested each morning.

37.  Let go of your desire for perfection.  Everyone and everything can always be improved, but at some point you must let “good enough” be good enough.

38.  Focus on giving rather than getting.  “Turn your focus from “What’s in it for me?” to “How can I serve?”~Dr. Wayne Dyer

39.  You are not an accident.  You are here for a purpose.  Turn within, learn to love and accept who you are and identify the gifts within you.  Use those gifts to make the world a better place.  🙂

Note:  This list was originally posted last year on my blog JourneyToCompleteWellness.

I hope you enjoyed my list.  Do you have any “secrets” I may have missed?  If so, leave a comment below! Have a HAPPY day! 🙂

Friday Inspiration: The Spirit of Love, Kindness, and Giving

Happy Friday!  ‘Tis the season for giving and sharing our love with everyone we come into contact with.  Check out what happens when these Christmas “pranksters” set up Christmas for the homeless.  If you’re viewing this via e-mail and are unable to see the video below, click here to view.

Inspiration Friday: 20 Things We Should Say More Often

Happy Friday!  Just when I was running out of inspiring videos to share for Inspiration Friday, my friend Tracy sent me this one this morning.  The saying is true, “Everything will come to you at the perfect time!”  🙂

In this video, Kid President shares 20 things we should say more often, and he shares it in such a fun and entertaining way.  My daughters loved it, too!

Listening to Kid President’s advice was the perfect way to start my day.  My favorite is #20, with #14 a close second.  Which one is your favorite?

If you’re viewing this through email and can’t see the video below, click here to view. 🙂

Inspiration Friday: The Rewards of Love and Kindness

Happy Friday!

I just came across this very inspirational video today.  What does this man receive from the acts of kindness he performs every day?  Rewards far greater than anything money can buy.  Check it out below or click here.

Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

Friday Inspiration: Soldiers Returning Home

In honor of Veterans Day, here is a very moving video of soldiers returning home to their families.  It’s difficult to get through this entire video with dry eyes.

For those who currently serve or have served, THANK YOU for all the sacrifices you and your families have made to keep us safe and protect our freedom in this beautiful “land of the free, and home of the brave”.

If you can’t see the video below, check it out here.

Inspiration Friday: Gratitude Video

Happy Friday!

Since this week’s posts have mainly dealt with the theme of gratitude, I thought I would share this beautiful song and video that is dedicated to just that.  It serves as a reminder to recognize and appreciate all of the blessings surrounding us each day.  We all have SO much to be thankful for.  It gave me some wonderful ideas to put in my gratitude journal, and I hope inspires you as well.  Remember, EVERYTHING is a gift!!

If you can’t see the video below, click here.

Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

Friday Inspiration: The Power of Determination

Happy Friday!

This video exemplifies the power of determination.  It reminds us to NEVER give up and never underestimate what you can accomplish when you believe in yourself.  Check out this man’s amazing transformation here or in the video below.

Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

Inspiration Friday: Incredible Time-Lapsed Carved Pumpkin Drawing

Happy Friday! 🙂

With Halloween only a week away, here is a little holiday inspiration for all the artists out there!  Watch in amazement as Marcello Barenghi brings this Carved Pumpkin to life in this incredible time-lapsed drawing video.  If you can’t see the video below, you can check it out here.  Have a great weekend! 🙂