30 Days of Thankful: Days 1-4

Meister Eckhart Thank You sunset4

When I think of November, the first thing that comes to mind is Thanksgiving…my favorite holiday!  For me, Thanksgiving means food and family, but it also means giving thanks for every little thing in my life.  It means recognizing and appreciating ALL the blessings surrounding me each day.

This entire blog is devoted to giving gratitude every day of the year, but during the month of November I try to make an extra effort to recognize the gifts in my life that I often take for granted.

I believe gratitude is the key to happiness.  I don’t believe it is possible to be unhappy when you are in a state of gratitude.

This month I am going to challenge myself write one thing I am thankful for each day.  I encourage everyone to look for the good in everything (because there IS good in EVERY situation), and see how many things you can think of to be thankful for today.  I invite you to join me in keeping a gratitude journal this month.  Each day, choose one thing you are thankful for or make a list of all the good things you encountered during the day, and see how your spirits lift during the month.  Here are my first 4 days:

Day 1:  Saturday, November 1

I’m thankful I was able to spend this cold and rainy Saturday comfortably at home with my family.  With nothing on the schedule and no place we had to be, we spent the afternoon in our pajamas, snuggled up together on the couch, watching some of our all-time favorite movies.  We all need days like this once in a while.  As much as I try to keep Saturdays open and schedule-free, days like this don’t happen often enough.

Day 2:  Sunday, November 2

I am thankful we got the first snowfall of the season.  While some were complaining that it was too early for snow, I think the first snow is always so exciting!  My girls had a blast playing in it!  We enjoyed it while it lasted because it was gone in less than a day.

November 2, 2014 034 November 2, 2014 038

I am also for this beautiful sunset on Sunday evening.

November 3, 2014 009

Day 3:  Monday, November 3

I am so grateful for the wonderful privilege of motherhood. 12 years ago today, I became a mother and it has been my most rewarding and life-changing experience to date. It taught me to slow down and appreciate the moment.  It taught me the true meaning of love.  It taught me to look at everything through a child’s eye and see the awesomeness of everything in nature and life.  And it ultimately brought me closer to God. I am so blessed!

Day 4:  Tuesday, November 4

I am thankful for the ever-changing New England weather.  Two days ago, it was freezing and there was snow on the ground.  Today it was 65 degrees and sunny.  The winter coats came off, and the short-sleeved shirts came back out.  The kids had the day off of school since it was election day.  It was a beautiful day to be outside, enjoy the day, and celebrate my daughter’s birthday with wonderful friends.

2 thoughts on “30 Days of Thankful: Days 1-4

  1. Pingback: October Unprocessed: Days 30 – 31 and Final Results | Journey to Complete Wellness

  2. Pingback: Inspiration Friday: Gratitude Video | Stacy Loves...

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