Visual Quote: We Make a Life by What We Give

make a life by what we give

Happy Wednesday!  ‘Tis the season for giving!  Yesterday was Giving Tuesday — a global day dedicated to giving back.  We all give of ourselves in some ways every day, but how often do we recognize all that we give and how it makes us feel when we give?  How often do we give out of love vs. out of guilt or obligation?  When we give out of love, it feels so great!  When we give out of guilt or obligation, we are not being true to ourselves and it only causes us stress and resentment.

I want everything I give to be done out of pure love, so I have set a challenge for myself to keep a giving journal for the month of December.  Each day this month, I’m going to track what I give, state whether it was given out of love or obligation, and note how I felt when I gave.  I am hoping this challenge will push me to give more out of love every day and spread a whole lot of love in the process.

Have you ever kept a giving journal?  I’ve never done this before, so any ideas are welcome!  Have a wonderful day! 🙂

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